Please join the team in congratulating Raffaela Piskopos for her phenomenal effort to raise over $30,000 for Kiss Goodbye to MS.
On a warm Sunday in March, Raffaela hosted almost 200 family members and friends at her home to enjoy a home-cooked meal, prepared by Raffaela (with help), a silent auction and other activities. All in the aid of fundraising to support Australians living with multiple sclerosis.
Raffaela is an experienced fundraiser known for her annual fundraiser luncheon. Choosing a different organisation each year, Raffaela knows the importance of giving back to the community as well as setting an example for her children. This year Raffaela chose to fundraise for MS, as two of her family members live with multiple sclerosis including her sister-in-law, Mirella. Mirella is also an active Kiss Goodbye to MS fundraiser, hosting yoga and sound healing events.
By raising over $30,000 Raffaela is helping us leave MS in the past, where it belongs.
We say a massive thank you to Raffaela, her family, and friends and to everyone who helped fundraise over $30,000 for MS.
Australian scientists are optimistic that a cure can be found, and it is fundraisers like Raffaela that can help make this happen!