Take My Hand and KissGoodbyetoMS

By Adriana Condello Join Me


I invite you to Take My Hand and Kiss Goodbye to MS.

You can show your support by donating, joining our team, or purchasing a ticket to our Movie night for MS. Every contribution helps to support life-changing research into the prevention, treatment and finding a cure for multiple sclerosis.

My name is Adriana Condello, and I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in 2011, at age 26. 

MS is a life-altering, chronic and often debilitating disease that affects over 25,600 Australians, bringing daily challenges that most can’t imagine. It attacks the central nervous system (the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves).

It is the most common neurological disease in young adults and often attacks people at a time in their lives when they are planning families and building a career.

Despite losing sensation in my hands and feet, along with other debilitating symptoms, and having to relearn basic tasks and functions, I’ve refused to let MS define me. Over the past 13 years, I’ve raised nearly half a million dollars for MS research, support, and services, sharing my journey as an ambassador through speaking engagements, media appearances, and advocacy. I do this to not only support myself, but all those living with this incurable disease. 

Fundraising and raising awareness are crucial—not just for finding a cure, but for supporting the many people whose lives are impacted by this disease every day.

That’s why I’m hosting a movie night for MS, showcasing the movie "Take My Hand".  It tells a powerful story of resilience and connection. The film’s message of hope and determination aligns perfectly with our mission to support the MS community and strive for a world without this disease. 

A chance for us to gather with family and friends, to watch a story that reflects the trials and triumphs of navigating life as a mother, pursuing a career, and facing the challenges of MS, all of which I know and understand all too well. 

Together, we can make a difference. We can show that no matter the obstacles, there is always hope and strength in unity. Let’s continue to fight, to inspire, and to uplift one another.

Thank you, Adriana Condello MS Warrior x

My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


Cutter And Co Financial Services

Your amazing GF


The Gogas Family

Love you Udg and so proud of you for everything. You’re truly one of a kind. Xx


Kylie Sherlock

I’m sorry I can’t be there on the night to help support this beautiful cause but I hope by donating it can help reach your goal xx




Jade Arranz

Let’s kiss goodbye this disease indeed! A great initiative beautiful. I wish I was there to watch it, I can’t find it on at all in Canberra. 😔 Much love xx


Elena Marcevska

I’m sorry I can’t be there tomorrow night to help support! It’s a great cause and you are amazing, keep kicking goals and I hope my donation helps xxxx


Robert Ball

Great work Adriana & Hope tonight goes well


Adriana Condello


Belinda Mitrevska


Melissa Gabbour


Kerry Egglestone




Luvashnee And Matthew

We are sorry we can’t be there tonight to help support you tonight, but hope our contribution can take you a little further towards your goal.


Danny Connally


Paul Xerri





Jessica Stephen


Sandra Vella

Sorry I can’t make it tonight but I have donated


Eleana Romano


Bel & Mo

So proud of you girl! Your amazing!


Melissa Ventre

All the best Adriana x


Diana Natoli And Pina Tenuta

Wishing you all the best small donation from Diana and Pina xx



You’re amazing! 💕




Roxy Kuriakose


Stacey Spanos

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