Just a bit further

By Andrew Spence Join Me


I am inspired by the work of Kiss Goodbye to MS and I want to do something to make a difference!

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic and often debilitating disease which attacks the central nervous system (the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves).

It is the most common neurological disease in young adults and often attacks people at a time in their lives when they are planning families and building a career.

Three out of four people living with MS are women.

Your donation will support life-changing research into the prevention, treatment and finding a cure for multiple sclerosis.

Thank you!

My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


Drew Bradford

What a good friend!!



The legends at QPro Concrete Sleepers


Wrb Group


Balanz Pty Ltd




Wendy & Nick Speer

Great effort Andrew! Good luck !


Kelvin & Margaret

Good on you Wernda we know you can do it.


Rob And Jacque Farrar

Love your work Spence! The world needs more mates like you!!


Jason Francis

Go hard mate. Good luck


Laura Arnold

Well done Spence! Just commencing this race is very inspiring.


Jill Rigney


Max Arthur

🏃‍♂️💨 Go with the wind!


Russell Gore

Go hard mate, love your work


Peter Morrow

A truly great cause. That recovery session will be so worthwhile!


Chloe & Mitchell Lollback


Sarah Hundt

All the best, Spence 👍


Riq Hassim

Will be a walk in the park for you mate. Smash it


Meg, Adam, Olivia And Ed Strahle

Good luck Spence!


Sam Warriner

Good on you mad man! Sam and Kimmy


Mick Oberhardt


Trudie Harriman

Good luck! Awesome thing to do.


Ryan Halloran

Amazing work Spence, should be easy after completing a miler! Complete a km under 4:30 and I’ll double my donation! Thanks for your support to find a cure for MS



Great challenge for a fantastic cause! Go hard Spence!


Andrew Spence


Damon Cooke

Good Luck Spense!


Chris Mackenzie

Good work! And good luck with the 100!


Mick Hewitt


Sandra Locaas


Linda Rudd

Nice one Anna and Spence!




Matthew Donnan


Matt Dorney


Lou Spence




Ryan Qpro


Alison & Rob Coleman

Andrew, we support this cause and also this outrageous adventure. All the best for race day, thinking of you from the couch.




Catherine Marriott

Spence and Anna…. Two of the most awesome humans I know. Best of luck Spence!


Charlie Speer

Huge effort. Good luck


Rose Scott

I have no doubt you will make it!


Richard & Penny Rains

Gooo Spence. A good deed.


Package Av


Mike Rankin

Run hard but smart Sandie and Mike


Robbie Hindmarsh

Great effort




Kurt Goedhart

Who ya runnin from?


Luke Gower

Good luck mate


Tom Dunnachie


Rob Mcdonald

Good on you mate, I hope you smash it!


Chris Marland

Good luck xxx


Georgie Aley

Well done Spence! Mammoth achievement 👏


Jnr Jnr Alan Spence

Go you good thing


Georgie Somerset


Alan Spence


Lynette Franco

Amazing work Spence! If anyone can get through it, its you!


John Mills

Go son, you're all winners! You inspire me to stand on the shoulders of giants!


David O'brian

Kissgoodbyetoyourknees. Good luck mate


Jordan Donnelly



Awesome stuff mate!


Sam Rodden


Caitlin Pepper

Nice one Spence!! Great work as always!


Will Cunliffe

Love your work


Josh Fitzgerald

Good luck mate! Look forward to hearing all about it!


Craig Salter

Good luck. Enjoy the Monday!


Jason Portas


Craig Kassulke


Kristina Wild

Yeowww! Get it Spence!


Jaimie Lovell


James Chauncy

Uppit Spence! Great work mate


Ash Walkerden

Good luck Spence! X




Lauren Dorney

Great effort Spence!


Lachy Rothwell




Your mother dresses you funny


Steve Dawes

Get em big dog


Emma Vanderpol


Dean Creely

Great effort Spence!


Hamish Browning

Good luck Andrew


Luke Hansell



Fizz Mcdermott

Good luck!


Victoria Kyngdon

Wow🤩 What an achievement to participate in this Andrew! Stay safe and know everyone supports you how far you go! I’m sure your little ones are so proud of their dad.

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